TIRP low-cost therapy
TIRP low-cost therapy
Sliding Scale Therapists
(Senior Student and Graduate Therapists)
Sliding Scale Therapists
(Senior Student and Graduate Therapists)
- TIRP senior student / graduate therapists are bound by explicit, established principles of ethical professional practice
- TIRP senior student / graduate therapists participate in voluntary supervision as part of ongoing responsible professional practice
- Your therapist will protect your name and all identifying information, respecting your right to confidentiality
- Your senior student / graduate therapist will offer an initial $60 session, followed by a negotiated sliding scale fee between $60 and $90
- Please note that Students and Senior Students are limited to working with clients residing in Ontario, whereas Graduates are eligible to work with clients residing elsewhere in Canada.
The following TIRP senior students and graduates offer therapy for a fee of between $60 and $90 per session.
You may contact these therapists directly with a brief phone or email message. They reserve a certain number of spaces in their schedules for individuals who can't afford full-fee therapy. Please indicate that you found the therapist's name of this site and that you are looking for low-cost individual therapy with a TIRP senior student/graduate for a sliding scale fee. If you phone and leave a message, please speak your name and contact information twice, clearly. The therapist will return your call or email, respecting your privacy in any way you request.
Please note:
Therapists are unlikely to respond to emails addressed to more than one person at a time, whether direct or using bcc.
COVID-19 Update
Many of our therapists are offering phone and online sessions during this public health crisis. Please connect with them directly for details.
Senior Student Therapists
Ashley Edwardson (she/her)
Online therapy currently offered - 50 minute sessions
Available Monday evenings
Email: hello@ashleyedwardsontherapy.ca website: ashleyedwardsontherapy.ca
Olivia Fogel
Offering online sessions
Available office hours: 9:30am-4:00pm Monday to Friday
Email: oliviafogeltherapy@gmail.com; Web: oliviafogeltherapy.com
Prerna Grover (she/her)
Currently offering online sessions
Available Monday - Thursday evening (5:30 - 7:30pm).
Website: https://therapywithprernagrover.wordpress.com
email: pgrovertherapy@gmail.com
Teresa Labriola
Offering in-person and online sessions
Available Sundays between 9am - 1pm
Email: teresa@mindfulltherapy.ca web: www.mindfulltherapy.ca
Wayne Morrow
Currently online only.
Yonge & St. Clair, Toronto
email: wmorrowtherapy@gmail.com; website: wmorrowtherapy.ca; phone: 416-206-8207
Marcos Ramos Jr., RP(Qualifying)
Currently practicing on-line only
Available Monday through Thursday and every other Saturday.
email: mrjembodiedcare@gmail.com
Zoe Ashmore
Availability Tue, Wed, Thurs
Online Only
email: zoeashmoretherapy@gmail.com
website: www.zoeashmore.com
Nadia Zamzul (RP Qualifying)
(online sessions)
Core Beliefs Alchemy
email: corebeliefsalchemy@gmail.com; web: corebeliefsalchemy.com
Graduate Therapists
Marion Abel, RP
Chester / Danforth, Toronto
available early mornings and daytimes, Tuesday to Friday
phone: 416-801-4141; email: marionabel@sympatico.ca; web: marionabel.com
Shen Adachi, RP
Virtual sessions
phone: 416-768-6181
email: shen@relational1.ca
Cindy Allison, RP
Bloor / Avenue Road, Toronto
available Monday - Saturday, daytimes and evenings
phone: 416-805-2078; email: cindy@pathway-therapy.com; web:www.pathway-therapy.com
Lindsay Beattie, RP(Qualifying)
West end, Toronto
In person and virtual sessions
Available Monday - Friday, daytime hours
email: hello@lindsaybeattietherapy.com website: www.lindsaybeattietherapy.com
Jean Blacklock, RP
Online video sessions, Monday through Saturday, flexible times.
Website: www.blacklockpsychotherapy.com
Clarinda Brandão, RP
Bloor & Runnymede, Toronto
available Monday to Friday, 10 am - 7 pm, Saturday and Sunday, 10 am - 3pm
phone: 416-230-7606; email: Clarinda@psychotherapyinthecity.com; web: www.psychotherapyinthecity.com
Ezra Braves, RP
Bloor / Spadina, Toronto
Available daytime Tuesday / Thursday.
email: ezrabravestherapy@gmail.com ; web: annextherapy.com
Phone sessions
Frances Cumberland, RP
Yonge / St. Clair, Toronto (steps from the St. Clair subway)
Available weekdays and Sunday
email: francescumberlandtherapy@gmail.com
web: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists/frances-cumberland-toronto-on/480334
Anaïs Escobar, RP (Qualifying)
Virtual Practice
Zoë Ferguson, RP
Bathurst / Bloor, Toronto
available Monday through Friday, 11am - 7pm
phone: 647-209-7290; email: zoeferguson13@gmail.com;
web: www.zoefergusonpsychotherapy.com
Enrique Garcia, RP(Qualifying)
Summerhill, Toronto
Available Monday - Saturday
email: contact@enriquegarciacounselling.com; web: enriquegarciacounselling.com
Jenny Gauntlett RP(Qualifying)
Coxwell / Gerrard, Toronto Available weekday, daytime
email: jenny@jennygauntlett.com; web: jennygauntlett.com
Online only for the time being due to the current situation with Covid-19
Jill Gilbert, RP
Bloor / Ossington, Toronto
email: jgilberttherapy@gmail.com; web: jillgilberttherapy.ca
Carla Gillis, RP
Remote sessions only, video or phone
email: carlagillistherapy@gmail.com; website: carlagillis.com
Joanne Hickman, RP
Please contact for availability
email: hello@joannehickman.com; web: joannehickman.com
Jennifer Hilditch, RP
Spadina/Dupont (Dupont subway), Toronto
Lakeshore Blvd. / Islington Ave., Etobicoke
available weekdays and evenings
phone: 416-797-2888; email: jenniferhilditch1@gmail.com
Jan Houston, RP
Available: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
Providing ONLINE and PHONE therapy sessions due to covid.
email: jhoustontherapy@gmail.com
Shyne Ladak, RP
In person available (Near Markham Stouffville Hospital)
Virtual and phone sessions also available
email: contact@therapyhouse.ca website: www.therapyhouse.ca
Lee-Ann Leslie-Augustine, RP
Currently offering online therapy only
email: connectioncoachlee@gmail.com; phone: 416-523-2348; web: www.healthyconnections.ca
Morgan Llewellyn, RP
Chester / Danforth, Toronto
Available Monday - Thursday
phone: 647-787-5842; email: psychotherapy@morganllewellyn.ca; web: www.morganllewellyn.ca
Karolina Lutkiewicz, RP
Available Monday - Friday
email: lutkiewicz.karolina@gmail.com; web: www.karolinalutkiewicztherapy.com
Currently providing online therapy only
Peter Madore, RP
124 Ontario Street, Collingwood
phone: 705-994-3008; email: peter@pmadorepsychotherapy.com; web: pmadorepsychotherapy.com
Available for phone and video session.
Gem Mason, RP
Burlington and Oakville
Available days, evenings and Sunday
phone: 289-681-4811; email: connections2health@gmail.com; web: www.connections2health.com
Sheilagh McGlynn, RP
Broadview / Danforth, Toronto
available Sundays (in person) and Mondays (on-line)
phone: 647-726-5144 email: sheilagh.mcglynn@gmail.com; web: https://journeytotherapy.com/
Beatriz Mendez, RP
Kingston Rd./ Victoria Park (2 blocks south of Victoria Park Station) Toronto / Scarborough
available weekday afternoons /evenings, daytime on Saturday
phone: 416-690-2417; email: mendez.smith@sympatico.ca; web: http://www.east-toronto-therapy.com
Beau Molnar
Bloor / Spadina, Toronto
Available Monday, Thursday, Friday
email: beau.molnar@gmail.com; web: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/therapists/beau-molnar-toronto-on/387569
Radmila Mrzic, RP
Danforth/Pape and Danforth/Chester, Toronto
available weekday evenings, Saturday morning and afternoon
phone: 416 875 5103; email: m_radmila@hotmail.com; web: www.therapyhealstoronto.com
Kato Perdue, RP
Roncesvalles / High Park, Toronto. Available Monday & Tuesday, 10am - 2pm; Sunday 2-8pm
Sherbourne / Bloor, Toronto. Available Thursday 9-2:30 and Friday 9:30am-8:00pm
phone: 647-219-0538; email: katotherapy@gmail.com
Only seeing people online and by phone.
Katie Pula, RP
Virtual only / Accross Ontario
Available Tuesday - Friday 11:00am - 6:30pm
phone: 416 886 0743; email: katie.pula@gmail.com
Juliana Pulford, RP(Qualifying)
In person and online
Bloor West / High Park
email: juliana.pulford@gmail.com; web: julianapulfordtherapy.ca
Tove Rees , RP(Qualifying)
Available Tuesday - Friday
401 Richmond St., Suite #411 (Richmond & Spadina), Toronto
phone: 647-400-2497; email: tovereestherapy@gmail.com; web: tovereestherapy.com
JP Robichaud, RP
Remote, video sessions only
Email: hello@jprobichaud.com Website: jprobichaud.com
Nomi Rotbard, RP
Bloor / Spadina, Toronto
email: nomirotbardtherapy@gmail.com
video/audio sessions available
Maureen Roe, RP
Yonge and Lawrence, Toronto (3 blocks north of Lawrence subway)
phone: 416-918-9424; Available Tuesday and Wednesday, days only
Barry's Bay: Natural Healing Centre, 43 Dunn St., Barry's Bay
phone: 613-401-6167; Available: Friday, biweekly, days only
email: Maureen.roe@gmail.com, web: www.maureenroe.com
Vivian Simone (they/she) RP (Qualifying)
Monday - in person in Madoc
Tuesday to Thursday - Online and In-Person in Marmora
Friday - In-person in Peterborough
email: cattailstherapy@gmail.com; web: cattailstherapy.com
Barbara Saunders, RP
Queen St. East at Woodbine, Toronto
Available Tuesday - Thursday
email: therapy@barbsaunders.com
Accepting clients - video or phone sessions only
Matteo Scardellato, RP,
Hamilton, Ontario (currently practicing online only)
Available Monday - Friday 10am - 4pm
email: matteo@scardellatotherapy.com
Mina Singh, RP
Dufferin and 401 (15 minutes walk from Ranee exit of Yorkdale subway stop), Toronto
available days and evenings, Monday to Friday, and daytime Saturday
phone: 416-220-4509; email: minadev01@gmail.com; web: www.psychotherapist-in-toronto.com
Wendy Strickland, RP
Sherbourne / Bloor St. East, Toronto
available Monday - Wednesday, and Saturday
phone: 416-605-4784 ; email: stricklandjwendy@gmail.com; website: kurtandwendy.com
Rachel Tredon, RP(Qualifying)
Online sessions only
email: rtredon.therapy@gmail.com
web: rtredon-therapy.com
Kurt Zubatiuk, RP
Sherbourne / Bloor St. East, Toronto
Available daytimes, Thursday, Friday and every second Monday.
phone: 416-928-309 ext 1; email: kurtzubatiuk@hushmail.com; website: kurtandwendy.com